Southwest Bakersfield
Education and Employment Resource center
In partnership with BAS, BC, and AJCC the Job Spot provides students with classes, educational resources, and employment opportunities. In addition to BAS GED, ESL and Citizenship classes, BC offers non-credit English language development classes. These services combine to transition BAS students to community college and the workforce quickly. This outreach facility provides our community with a valuable resource for information related to high school and college graduation, learning English, job training and support, CTE classes, as well as providing classes on-site. In addition, BAS coordinates resource fairs twice a year to connect students with community resources, including Dignity Health, GET Bus, BPD, CHP, Kern Health Systems, and BAS CTE course offerings.
Job Spot Admin
What we do for you

Why the Job Spot?
The Job Spot was designed as a multi-agency space geared to removing barriers. It serves as a One-Stop resource hub by providing an innovative space for organizations to collaborate and break down barriers adults face in our community.
Who is the Job Spot For?
The Job Spot is geared towards adults looking to continue or advance their education, either with the Bakersfield Adult School or Bakersfield College.
How do I Enroll In Classes?
Bakersfield Adult School – Individuals wanting to take Bakersfield Adult School Classes here at the Job Spot must first go to the main campus on South Mount Vernon to take the CASAS Assessment test.
BC Enrollment – If you would like to enroll in Bakersfield College classes, please stop by in person to speak with one of our BC team members!
Employers' Training resource?
On Mondays and Wednesdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., we have a representative from Employers Training Resource here.
He will greet and meet with potential candidates seeking America’s Job Center of California services.
Review and answer questions about the three plans of service/training:
A. Basic Access (Basic Career Services) – Access to our resource room (computers, internet access, copiers, fax machines, etc.), on-site employer recruitments, and telephones to help customers reach EDD services like Unemployment Insurance Benefits.
B. Preferred Choices (Individualized Career Services) – All Plan A serviced plus WorkKeys Assessment and JSA ( Job Search Assistance) class.
C. Training Programs (Intensive Services) – Training opportunities, OJTs (On-the-job training options), supportive services, and paid work experience.
Job Resources
Can You Help Me Find a Job?
The Job Spot collaborates with Job Fest Kern County and Americas Job Center of Kern County to connect you with various employment opportunities and resources within our community. We host hiring events, offering employers a platform to discover dedicated and skilled job seekers. Information about these events can be found on our website.
Facility Request?
Job Fairs/Employment Events – The Job Spot offers a unique and unparalleled educational setting in Bakersfield. Our facility combines a modern industrial design with a dedicated and skilled staff to create an innovative and collaborative environment. We are open to partnering with organizations interested in utilizing our space for training, education, or employment events. If you’d like to explore this opportunity, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Adult School Classes we offer
GED Preparation
This course will help you prepare for the GED. This course will review various course subjects, such as English, writing, reading, math, social studies, and science. This course includes practice GED exams, computer-assisted programs, individual tutoring, and counseling sessions.
High School Diploma (Online)
Independent Study is an educational program that provides the opportunity for adult students 19 and older, to complete Kern High School District’s diploma requirements. Most courses (including elective credits) may be taken via Independent Study.
English as a Second Language
Bakersfield Adult School offers a variety of ESL classes to assist in meeting the needs of students at various skill levels of English language proficiency. We offer courses for students from the pre-literate or non-reading or writing level (Level 0) to the advanced levels (Levels 5 and 6).
Citizenship Preparation
We assist students in acquiring English Language skills as well as the knowledge and understanding of the principles and form of government, the Constitution, the history, the culture, the institutions and the geography of the United States.
Multi-Level English Classes
One of the greatest barriers to achieving career or educational goals is insufficient English language fluency; therefore, the support team offers beginner and intermediate conversational English classes
Career Planning/Assistance
General career services available include resume and cover letter writing, applications, internships, foreign degree consultations, and college transfers.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Kern High School District (KHSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. KHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, ethnic group identification, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, physical or mental disability, parental status, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex, sexual orientation, military or veterans status, homelessness, foster status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws consistent with Education Code 200 and 220, Government Code 11135, and Title IX.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying, you should contact your school site principal and/or the District’s Equity Compliance Officer and Title II, Title IX, and Section 504 Coordinator, Dean Juola, 5801 Sundale Avenue, (661) 827-3173, A copy of KHSD’s Uniform Complaint policy and Nondiscrimination policy are available at and upon request.